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2 tech leader management RESOURCES sydne

TECHLED Sponsor Info


By partnering with a TECHLED conference our sponsors are able to access a highly select group of industry leaders and connect with potential customers in an environment designed to not only gain an audience but also garner relationships with the decision makers influencing today’s technology usage trends. 


Opportunities as event partners include taking the stage and educating technology leaders in a relevant current topic together with the opportunity to network with TECHLED members. 


Our vast ten year experience has shown that a successful 15 minute presentation and additional social networking has created foundations of trust and respect with members of our tech communities which have provided the ideal springboard for follow-up exploratory relationships and further sales discussions.


We also offer the opportunity for venue sponsorship and insitu sponsorship which allows sponsors to place their logo / banners at the TECHLED reception area, on the name badges and on stage during the event. 



TECHLED is organised by Community Marketing Australia:









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techled hitachi techled sydney conferenc
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